Children’s Books



My heart is a Compass is an endearing story that encourages children to listen to their conscience, developing empathy and realizing the fulfillment that comes with following your heart.


 FREE pages to color! Here is a link to some of the original outlines I drew for My Heart is a Compass before adding the backgrounds, patterns, and colors to the work. I saved them as I went along so that parents, teachers, and librarians who are focusing on the book can have something interactive to print out for the kiddos to be involved in. Hands-on is fun! (These should be about 8.5″ wide by 8.5″ tall.)

Be creative! Maybe you can get them to draw something important to them in the heart, or get them to draw a scene of something that makes their best friend laugh when they can tell they are feeling blue.






“No, Mizzy, No!”  is an adorable story based on a real-life kitty! This story tells of many things Mizzy the Kitty likes to do to amuse herself, but we soon find that what she likes isn’t always as convenient for her human companion! Parents will find this tale just as endearing as the kiddos find it giggle-worthy!

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